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The Russell Lions Club is introducing Lions Message in a Bottle: a program which will help save lives in our community.
Click here for more information.


We Loan Out Medical & Mobility Equipment!

People are surprised to hear that we loan out medical and mobility equipment for free to anyone in our community.

Click here for more information.

Our first ever cookbook!
Click here to read all about it!

Re-Live the Moments
& Videos from

Click here.


Recycle for Sight Program

We collect used eyeglasses (including reading glasses and sunglasses) and provide them to children and adults throughout the world. Over the years, our Club has contributed thousands of glasses, thanks to donations such as yours.

Glasses can be dropped off at the following locations:

  • Downton IDA Pharmacy: 1106 Concession Street, Russell, (at the pharmacy counter)
  • PharmaChoice Pharmacy: 110 Craig Street, Russell (in the wall box, to the right as you enter)
  • Embrun Eyewear: 685 Notre Dame, Embrun (at the service desk)
  • IDA Compounding Pharmacy: 934 Notre Dame, Embrun (at the box in front of the cash)
  • Embrun Optometry Clinic: 19 Blais Street, Embrun (at the counter)

We also welcome cleaning cloths, sunglasses, and cases!

Our club collects the used eyeglasses, sends them from Ottawa to CLERC (Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center) in Calgary, Alberta. Once the glasses arrive in Calgary, they are passed on to the Calgary Correctional Centre (CCC) where they are sorted, cleaned, repaired and read for prescriptions. Shipping boxes of 350 are then made up according to type.

Lions provide funding and oversee the program but also the distribution of glasses to underprivileged countries.

Have any questions? Contact our Recycle for Sight committee at



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